30 March 2008

Of twos and Schmoosh

Ishtaar told me to write a 3:00 am blog. Its 2:00 am , so thats close enough I suppose . Maybe two could be the new three , you know like they say in fashion magazines every season "insert random color here" is the new "black". If only it was that easy . Up could be the new down , right could be the new "wrong", back could be the new forward , everything would be the wrong way down or the right side up , depending on which way you looked at it .

Makes you realise how everything is so interchangeable . What makes love , love, apart from what everyone else makes of it ? What if love was hate and vice versa ? What if the number 2 didnt exist at all ? What if two was called schmoosh ? So numbers were actually one schmoosh three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven schmoozle and so on .

We put so much emphasis on words , subtle differences , correct pronounciations , when all a word is ,is really a bunch of sounds that your brain receives and interprets in a particular way . Which means hypothetically you could choose to interpret words and sounds differently from everyone else , except then they would think you were a lunatic. Which is odd because you wouldnt really be a lunatic , you would just be different . But then again that is what lunacy is right ? When some people have a different "reality" from what is commonly accepted.

Where do the lines blur between individuality and acceptability ? Or are they actually mutually exclusive because all our lives we are programmed to fit in ? Why do we automatically fear that which we cannot comprehend ? Is insanity really that "bad", or do we just not accept it because we cannot understand it ?

If questions were answers and answers were questions
And life was not a series of orders but suggestions
What would you do and whom would you be
If your life was a dream , and you dreamt reality.

1 comment:

Ishtaar said...

P.s. That poem is genius. I love it love it loooove it!