23 January 2007

UHhh Now what ??!!

OK .. So here I am ... Giving word-to-word resuscitation to a dead blog . My dead blog . No one came .. no saw and sadly no one was conquered .

I dont know why I am here , back on blogger when i have a perfectly healthy blog up on msn spaces ... Maybe I'm tired of Microsoft's consumerism or maybe I don't have a reason this time .However it works , fact of the matter is a blog .. this blog is just an in between for me .

Seems kinda mean of me to be a writing a blog about how I don't want a blog , never have .. and yet I've been blogging for a good two years now . The story is that I've always wanted my own home page , somewhere me , where players like Microsoft or Google werent limiting me or making me a part of their franchise . I tried getting myself a page on Lycos.com ... but sadly I'm not very proficient with html and stuff so that plan went down the drain .After that i discovered livejournal ... the antithesis to dead journal (which also exists .. amusingly enough). But that got kinda boring coz i couldn't quite figure out what i wanted to do with it and it was too limiting in style .. a "journal" ...the word itself was enough to change a mindset.

Finally i discovered msn spaces . They weren't "live" then . And not every Tom and Harry had one . And I could play around with it fairly well and for a while I was pretty happy . In fact i do still love my msn space .But I want something more ...

A friend of mine has offered to give me a page on his website .. when he finally gets around to creating one . And honest to God I'll be forever in his debt if he lets me do that . No more blog spot and no more spaces .. No more me forced into buying into big techie conglomerates like ms or Google or yahoo simply coz i ain't too tech-literate. But up until then .. this is going to have to do . At least this is a little more serious than ms spaces ... where ppl get one of those and then leave them empty ... And I've always thought that was a pretty crappy waste of space to be honest.

Im not quite so sure what I want to do with this page just yet .. but its definitely not going to be the moan fest it used to be .I hope this time I might actually find some readers interested in my may- be- and -hopefully -not- so insignificant life ...

So until I figure out what to do with myself and this blog ...


Ishtaar said...

FINALLY!! I get to take SOMEONE's virginity!!
I hope...
Just messing ;)
Keep writing! Please! :p

Anonymous said...

hey...i know i dnt value a blog as much as u tulip-but still it still is just that a blog-whether ur part of a conglomerate or ur on someone's pvt web page it doesnt make a diff-its still u expressin ur thawts n that ppl can go n comment on it...dnt get disillusioned with it...n try n see the bright side of things tulip....tc