18 August 2007

Random Rants

There is confusion growing leaves and sprouting roots in fertile soil ;
Heartbreak lurking around the corner planning his next attack.
There are difficult decisions waiting patiently to be made real .
There are roads over grown with weeds of decay- eager to be tracked.

Sleeping sound within the soul is music
waiting to be awakened by the softest breath ,
a sigh of desire and the flutter of a kiss.


Watching is you is agony .
Tuching you is a painful reminder
of what can never be .


To be is to exist
within a world
not yours alone.


I am always Mine ,
unless you choose
to make me yours ,
and then I will "be".


Boltzman! said...

commendable poetry... keep it up paprika...!

Ishtaar said...

I love it... Striking... :)
Paprikaaaaa hehe

Mercury said...

Its remarkable how you manage to express exactly what you want...so well and so simply.

It was great...i wonder what inspires such creativity??

Anonymous said...

i liked it :) i love the way u put together ur words..simple meaningful and impactful..nt too much of elaborate flowery words to make it sound "beautiful"..i like the few intense words chosen..

Anonymous said...

two things-
1) How can ppl restrict themselves to just comment on ur 'poetry'?
2) Man! you are a 'visualiser'! u can see what u write.its amazing...it feels really personal. i mean it touches my heart.its just at that level u know.that pain is so palpable.i love it.